Tinted roses
Tinted roses
In the language of flowers, the rose is the most romantic flower in the world. From gorgeous bouquets to a single stem given to someone special, there is no other flower in the world that symbolize love as roses.

There are a lot of types of roses in the nature but professional florists give plain flowers new life by using dyes to enrich the original color or to give blooms a new shade. It also helps to prevent fast fading when colorant added because it makes the petals more stronger.
Different methods of dying help to meet the most specific needs of every color. For example, we are making preserved roses with flag of any country or other print needed. So if you have an specific requirement about your tinted roses you can contact us and we can discuss it.
Florists give flowers a golden touch by using metallic sprays on flower petals. Unlike regular spray paint, floral sprays are more gentle and will not damage delicate blooms. Florists are using special brushing machines to sweep the color over the blooms. The most popular colours used in floral arranging are red, silver, pink and blue.

Another popular method for dyeing flowers among professional florists is absorption dyes. They fill plastic vases with water along with food coloring. Freshly cut stems placed in the colored water, and after a few hours , the flowers display different colors. Florists control the dye results by adjusting the time the flowers spend in the water. If they need more bright and saturated shade, the time spending in the water could be extended. The blooms come out of the dye when florist sees the desired result.
When floral designers want to bring color deep into the flowers petals, they use the dip method. This is a good way to saturate the flowers with different hue. In order to achieve the result using this method, florists add food coloring into the water and place there flower side down and give them a quick swish. Afterwards, the flower dry in a vase or container for a few hours.