Sapphire Skies Bouquet


Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious crème roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube.

Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube.

Approximately 12" W x 11 1/2" H

In stock! Usually ships within 24 hours.
Shipping Information

Our on-line store is open 24/7 and we ship Monday through Friday, excluding some holidays. Orders received for products without shipping restrictions on its product page will ship the same business day when received before 12:00 p.m. PST. Orders in high demand will have an estimated production time listed on its product page and will ship according to the date listed.

About Us

We have been designing and manufacturing bags and cases in our own backyard from the start. This lets us turn prototypes to production very quickly and ensure products are made just right.

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